Friday, December 8, 2006

End of term

It's the final day of term, but thinks are still hectic in the 'Societies Office'. I'm working with Joel, the SU Treasurer, for extending the awards scheme - and have more individual merits award in a laurel like ceremony.

We've also finalised the proceedings for Re-Freshers fair, which promises to function a true kick-start of the new academic term and calender year.

It's good to see that there are still a no of new societies setting-up: well done to the Georgian Society and Spanishi Diversitiy society. In the mean time, one of my additional projects - the benelux society - has almost reached the required no of members (any Dutch/Belgians/Luxembourgers reading this: do get in touch!).

A final positive note on the relations with the Media Group. Pulse FM is offering societies free jingles (all financed by SU) for their events. In return, I'll be working towards increasing the radio station's visibility within societies, through for instance web buttons that link to their site.
The Beaver has approached me about upgrading the society listings page. We'll hopefully be able to turn this into a full colour, high attractice page, providing students with their one-stop-shop to what's going on during the week.

Over the holiday, I'll be working at the Netherlands Competition Authority, and enjoying a nice break from study back home in The Hague (Netherlands). If anything of interest happens, I'll make sure to communicate this via a blog. In the mean time, I wish you all the best for the festive season, a great time with family and friends - and look forward to hearing from you in the coming year!

Monday, December 4, 2006


It's always good to see the union being able to make a difference in representing societies. Last Friday, I was contacted by the HKPASS (Hong Kong) society who were planning a fundraiser on Saturday night, the so-called 'Hope of the Night' show. Unfortunately, the school charged them 100 pounds for the use of a projector - although this is free during the week and available freely in most other rooms. As well as that, it would jeapordise their finances. Fortunately, I managed to negotiate with the Audio Visual unit and arrange an projector for the society - free of charge!

Societies Chairs Newsletter week 10 Michaelmasterm

Dear Society Chairs,

Time sure flies by: it’s the final week of term already!

Entering the Blogosphere – SU Societies Blog
In order to increase accountability + knowledge as to what’s going on in the world of societies, I have created my own Societies Officer blog.
Have a look at and feel free to post any comments/questions!

ULU Societies
In order to increase awareness of student societies in the university of London, I’ve added an overview of all the various ones in existence:

Refresher’s fair
I’ve received a number of questions regarding the so-called ‘refreshers fair’. This event is aimed at boosting publicity for newly setup societies at the start of the new term and (calendar) year.
Here is all the relevant info:
- It will take place the Thursday Week 1, between 11-4 in the Quad
- Places are prioritized to newly set-up societies & societies that weren’t present at freshers fair
- You can apply by contacting and

Society Awards
I’m currently reviewing the system of society awards with the SU Treasurer. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on the various awards that are available (see for more info). We’re also considering adding a medal-based system of awards for individual accomplishments, to be handed out at a special ceremony. Let me know how you would reflect on this idea.
- get in touch by sending me an e-mail:

Final Office Hour this year: Friday 1-2pm in the Quad
If you have anything you’d like to discuss face to face with me, then please do attend my office hour every Friday from 1-2pm in the Quad.

That’s the last message from me for this year. Hope you all have a great holiday, and get to spend some quality time with family, friends and study books…