Thursday, January 25, 2007

Society Chairs Newsletter week 3

Dear Society Chairs,

There’s a great buzz across campus – this week it’s Women’s Week and India Week. And next week, look forward to the now famous abbreviations: JAW (Jesus Awareness Week) and DIW (Discover Islam Week).
Here’s a round-up of what’s going on in the union and beyond…

- Media Group:
= The Beaver: e-mail all your event details and event previews (_+ 150 words) to Deadline every Friday
= Pulse FM: e-mail Dan Dolan ( to produce your own free society jingle, promoting an upcoming event
= LooSE TV: Join in on the LooSE Rag Week Film festival. E-mail to get involved

- External Media
Speak to the Press Office ( who can help you target your event towards outside press.

- Stelios reception
Am working with the Alumni relations office to sort out a special reception for society heads with EasyJet-founder and LSE alumnus Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou. More details will be sent out soon…

- RAG Week and Global Week
Send us your plans and will help publicise them around the union!
Global week: e-mail your plans for Global Week. Also, make sure to apply for special funding from the Global Week fund. go to and click on societies to download the Global Week Budget Request form.
RAG week: e-mail your plans for RAG Week

- Paper throwing
A message from Environment and Ethics Office Aled Fisher (
LSESU Societies are currently allowed to poster on Houghton Street and within the SU buildings without restrictions. This creates two problems. Firstly, the posters are extremely unsightly. Secondly, and more importantly, the shear volume of posters is often ignored by students, and therefore the amount of postering is becoming increasingly irrelevant and wasteful.
For a while now, many people have spoken about putting some restrictions on postering. I am now looking to start this process by consulting societies, students, staff and others, so that we can bring a motion before the UGM and change SU policy.
One proposal mentioned placing notice boards at key points on Houghton Street and within the SU buildings, allowing one poster per society per board. This would significantly reduce paper use and provide central points where students could go to find out about societies and their events, thus improving publicity and promotion of societies. Postering around or outside or noticeboards would be prohibited, while electronic forms of promotion would be encouraged for societies who naturally want to get large coverage for their events. The policy would be enforced by the SU; at the same time, LSE staff and security would not be allowed to remove posters (as they are at the moment).
This is just one idea currently being promoted. Please email me on with your feelings, comments, ideas and questions. Hopefully, we can come to a consensus decision that reduces paper user while allowing societies to fully publicise their fantastic events!

That’s all for this week.

Arthur Krebbers

Societies Officer

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